WEBVTT 9d11ab61-78bb-4873-9123-f540aabed19a-0 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:03.602 Hello and welcome to the Community Engagement Alliance 9d11ab61-78bb-4873-9123-f540aabed19a-1 00:00:03.602 --> 00:00:05.400 Consultative Resource known as CEACR. d628c9d9-280b-4e94-a87f-76ae80b6686a-0 00:00:05.760 --> 00:00:09.125 My name is Mylynda Massart and I am a family medicine physician d628c9d9-280b-4e94-a87f-76ae80b6686a-1 00:00:09.125 --> 00:00:12.542 and researcher at the University of Pittsburgh and Co-PI with Al d628c9d9-280b-4e94-a87f-76ae80b6686a-2 00:00:12.542 --> 00:00:14.120 Richmond on the CEACR Project. 0084a835-09dd-4552-8885-baff88dc362c-0 00:00:15.240 --> 00:00:18.617 I'm Al Richmond, Co-PI of CEACR and Executive Director of 0084a835-09dd-4552-8885-baff88dc362c-1 00:00:18.617 --> 00:00:21.762 Community Campus Partnerships for Health, a nonprofit 0084a835-09dd-4552-8885-baff88dc362c-2 00:00:21.762 --> 00:00:25.024 membership organization that promotes health equity and 0084a835-09dd-4552-8885-baff88dc362c-3 00:00:25.024 --> 00:00:28.285 social justice through partnerships between communities 0084a835-09dd-4552-8885-baff88dc362c-4 00:00:28.285 --> 00:00:29.800 and academic institutions. 49da869f-304e-4f3a-8f4f-eef400ab1b1f-0 00:00:30.160 --> 00:00:33.095 We are excited to join with the University of Pittsburgh's 49da869f-304e-4f3a-8f4f-eef400ab1b1f-1 00:00:33.095 --> 00:00:36.080 Clinical and Translational Science Institute to form CEACR. 4e99b297-3f12-4fc1-9ff6-ed6beff000a2-0 00:00:36.600 --> 00:00:40.728 CEACR is an initiative of the National Institutes of Health 4e99b297-3f12-4fc1-9ff6-ed6beff000a2-1 00:00:40.728 --> 00:00:45.063 Community Engagement Alliance, or CEAL, and our dedicated team 4e99b297-3f12-4fc1-9ff6-ed6beff000a2-2 00:00:45.063 --> 00:00:46.440 is here to help you. 6fbf5ccd-a6f5-4f78-8351-f0143e32b0bb-0 00:00:47.920 --> 00:00:50.978 The SEEKER supports the elevation of promising, 6fbf5ccd-a6f5-4f78-8351-f0143e32b0bb-1 00:00:50.978 --> 00:00:54.101 community engaged research practices through our 6fbf5ccd-a6f5-4f78-8351-f0143e32b0bb-2 00:00:54.101 --> 00:00:55.440 consultative process. 47eeefd5-4949-40ae-a20b-76de71fc0fd8-0 00:00:55.640 --> 00:00:58.901 Our goal is to increase inclusive participation and 47eeefd5-4949-40ae-a20b-76de71fc0fd8-1 00:00:58.901 --> 00:01:01.160 research with customized expertise. 4d2c13ac-9183-4e06-896b-8739150b13a6-0 00:01:01.480 --> 00:01:04.520 We do this work to center communities and research. 8d5824a6-7e8e-40b9-b17e-a95ec328b7ed-0 00:01:06.200 --> 00:01:10.057 To date, we have completed 45 consultations and gathered over 8d5824a6-7e8e-40b9-b17e-a95ec328b7ed-1 00:01:10.057 --> 00:01:11.800 500 people for our webinars. bc5c7177-f73b-48d7-8c8f-96e842b2f0e7-0 00:01:12.280 --> 00:01:15.619 We also have a growing roster of experts who provide tailored bc5c7177-f73b-48d7-8c8f-96e842b2f0e7-1 00:01:15.619 --> 00:01:17.720 recommendations for research projects. 318a0d2a-c05f-4070-99d5-b0aa2f8cf0d3-0 00:01:19.200 --> 00:01:22.970 Previously, we helped teams to humanize the research process 318a0d2a-c05f-4070-99d5-b0aa2f8cf0d3-1 00:01:22.970 --> 00:01:26.494 and to balance research and community interest for other 318a0d2a-c05f-4070-99d5-b0aa2f8cf0d3-2 00:01:26.494 --> 00:01:27.360 consultations. 65afe207-5108-4950-bb84-1fac587bff4a-0 00:01:27.360 --> 00:01:30.592 We work to ensure equitable payments to community partners 65afe207-5108-4950-bb84-1fac587bff4a-1 00:01:30.592 --> 00:01:33.605 and helped teams to understand and address barriers to 65afe207-5108-4950-bb84-1fac587bff4a-2 00:01:33.605 --> 00:01:34.920 inclusive participation. f33f96c2-8f95-47a6-97fb-e38326274874-0 00:01:37.160 --> 00:01:40.482 To start the consultation process, your team will complete f33f96c2-8f95-47a6-97fb-e38326274874-1 00:01:40.482 --> 00:01:43.805 an initial intake call with Seeker with some follow up via f33f96c2-8f95-47a6-97fb-e38326274874-2 00:01:43.805 --> 00:01:44.200 e-mail. b04cd8df-f1e5-4f5d-9110-f42e0fae0dbb-0 00:01:44.800 --> 00:01:47.834 Next, the Seeker team will assemble an expert panel to b04cd8df-f1e5-4f5d-9110-f42e0fae0dbb-1 00:01:47.834 --> 00:01:49.600 respond to your consult request. e1b36717-9315-41e3-9664-1206b9ea5d39-0 00:01:50.080 --> 00:01:53.740 We might also share off the shelf toolkits from prior expert e1b36717-9315-41e3-9664-1206b9ea5d39-1 00:01:53.740 --> 00:01:54.640 panel sessions. 8661231b-b7c3-4b09-9c18-667563485ba5-0 00:01:55.160 --> 00:01:58.485 Seeker will return consult recommendations and materials to 8661231b-b7c3-4b09-9c18-667563485ba5-1 00:01:58.485 --> 00:01:59.040 your team. f1b73953-2d0c-4018-adca-5adde311dbec-0 00:01:59.400 --> 00:02:04.800 Then we'll send you 2 evaluation surveys for our expert panels. 0ff74e23-0490-4a49-b59a-eb2776405679-0 00:02:04.800 --> 00:02:09.273 We assemble a group of experts from across the country, both 0ff74e23-0490-4a49-b59a-eb2776405679-1 00:02:09.273 --> 00:02:10.960 academic and community. aa43fd5c-5eea-4dd2-994d-dbb77dac9c15-0 00:02:11.200 --> 00:02:14.864 We facilitate a discussion among these experts who provide their aa43fd5c-5eea-4dd2-994d-dbb77dac9c15-1 00:02:14.864 --> 00:02:18.360 lived experience and lessons learned on community engagement. 818736c9-fc25-4b33-925d-d747108fc85a-0 00:02:18.600 --> 00:02:22.905 We record and transcribe each session using human centered 818736c9-fc25-4b33-925d-d747108fc85a-1 00:02:22.905 --> 00:02:24.000 design methods. 99fad791-ac11-48be-8264-716ad5cddf42-0 00:02:24.000 --> 00:02:27.117 We extract actionable recommendations from the panel 99fad791-ac11-48be-8264-716ad5cddf42-1 00:02:27.117 --> 00:02:30.000 discussion during a report out session with you. 9499487b-1c89-431c-a079-96abb1863c52-0 00:02:30.000 --> 00:02:32.769 We will share the recommendations with in depth 9499487b-1c89-431c-a079-96abb1863c52-1 00:02:32.769 --> 00:02:33.520 explanations. 7491af35-a7cc-482d-953e-778fdc47946b-0 00:02:33.720 --> 00:02:35.880 We'll also answer your questions. 59334668-b7f8-475b-a80c-384f581ba0f8-0 00:02:37.680 --> 00:02:41.170 In addition to the expert panels, Seeker will host 5 59334668-b7f8-475b-a80c-384f581ba0f8-1 00:02:41.170 --> 00:02:44.200 webinars related to grant application skills. 76a1239c-c139-46e1-898a-ce2162b49d1e-0 00:02:44.520 --> 00:02:47.285 These webinars will provide technical assistance and 76a1239c-c139-46e1-898a-ce2162b49d1e-1 00:02:47.285 --> 00:02:50.312 capacity building towards successful funding of community 76a1239c-c139-46e1-898a-ce2162b49d1e-2 00:02:50.312 --> 00:02:52.400 partners in community engaged research. d914fc32-c3ae-4aa6-bfb8-889b0054563a-0 00:02:52.920 --> 00:02:56.637 More information about webinar topics and dates will be d914fc32-c3ae-4aa6-bfb8-889b0054563a-1 00:02:56.637 --> 00:03:00.752 available on the Sway page soon and after each webinar Seeker d914fc32-c3ae-4aa6-bfb8-889b0054563a-2 00:03:00.752 --> 00:03:04.801 will host dedicated office hours for interested teams to ask d914fc32-c3ae-4aa6-bfb8-889b0054563a-3 00:03:04.801 --> 00:03:08.120 questions and go in depth for each webinar topic. 097b96ae-b7ab-46c5-82ff-847fa4fb4b9f-0 00:03:08.600 --> 00:03:12.283 During office hours you can meet with Seeker experts to discuss 097b96ae-b7ab-46c5-82ff-847fa4fb4b9f-1 00:03:12.283 --> 00:03:15.680 common challenges that face community based organizations. 9874b92f-2fff-4c98-8b91-d28f19f04df1-0 00:03:15.920 --> 00:03:19.000 Together we'll brainstorm solutions and form an action 9874b92f-2fff-4c98-8b91-d28f19f04df1-1 00:03:19.000 --> 00:03:19.280 plan. e22aa0f2-6ca4-4825-8ff1-6a96945bbca0-0 00:03:19.560 --> 00:03:22.200 You can also arrange a follow up consultation. 77755b67-204c-43d4-9717-e01ee042dbb2-0 00:03:23.800 --> 00:03:24.960 Ready to get started? b7bc685a-6fc5-484d-8a96-21fa9687513c-0 00:03:25.360 --> 00:03:28.531 Just fill out the consult request form linked at the b7bc685a-6fc5-484d-8a96-21fa9687513c-1 00:03:28.531 --> 00:03:32.121 bottom of the Sway page and e-mail seeker@pitt.edu with any b7bc685a-6fc5-484d-8a96-21fa9687513c-2 00:03:32.121 --> 00:03:32.720 questions. 28cd49e3-fcac-4962-bd8c-2f93d0a1c932-0 00:03:33.240 --> 00:03:36.267 We look forward to working with you and supporting your research 28cd49e3-fcac-4962-bd8c-2f93d0a1c932-1 00:03:36.267 --> 00:03:36.640 journey. 27d42460-3f3e-45df-bf13-2bee5a6f831a-0 00:03:38.480 --> 00:03:38.800 Bye. c4fbb1e3-4c08-46a6-9293-d492aaea1b4e-0 00:03:38.800 --> 00:03:39.480 Thank you.